Holy Sacrament
We believe that Jesus Christ is present in the Sacrament and that in this Meal we receive His body and blood along with the bread and wine. We further believe that in this Sacrament we receive the forgiveness of sins and strength to live an improved Christian life. A worthy communicant is one who is truly repentant of his/her sins and who resolves to amend his/her life.
The number of those returning to indoor worship increases weekly. We have returned to regular communion traditions at the altar yet we are certainly aware of those who are staying at home due to a variety of reasons. We would like to make sure that those of you sheltering-in-place receive the Lord’s Supper. If you contact our church office at 847-885-3350 you may pick up a prepackaged consecrated wine and wafer set or arrange for one to be delivered to your home by a qualified layperson. We also have gluten-free and grape juice options as well. The distribution will be handled safely and no one will come into your home. We look forward to reuniting in worship one day and will do our best to care for your needs at this time. You are missed dearly.