Did you know there are approximately 10,000 books on our shelves and nearly all have accelerated reader tests? Our collection includes fiction, non-fiction, biographies, reference, and short stories. Books are added to the library by our two annual book fairs and requests from students. We are excited to announce our new library program, "Follett Destiny". You are now able to search our catalog from home and put a hold on books! See the link below and begin your journey through our library collection.
St. Peter offers an Advanced Reader program, also known as AR. Based on the Star Test reading level, students are able to find books on the AR list, take the test, and receive points on the test grade. Tests consist of 5-20 questions. These AR points can accumulate throughout the year. Students in grades 5th - 8th grade will have an AR point goal for each tri-mester. At the end of the school year, PTL sponsors an AR rewards program. Depending on the total number of points, students can pick out small toys and/or gift cards. Readers that have gone above and beyond reading that school year can earn a lunch with the administration off site! Points to qualify for AR lunch is the following: 1st-2nd are 75 points, 3rd-5th are 100 points, and 6th-8th are 150 points.
Meet the Librarians, Mrs. Paulsen and Mrs. Bartels