• St. Peter Baptism Holy Baptism

    Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19

    At St. Peter Lutheran Church and School we believe baptism is not only commanded by God but also a gift from God.  In and through Baptism, God takes away our sins, frees us from the power of the Satan, and gives us eternal life.  In Baptism, our Triune God gives us his blessing and his promise through his gift of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins.  The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod believes "all nations" are to be baptized.  This means everyone!  God wants everyone to accept him and to enter into his Kingdom.  We encourage infant baptism but also welcome all of God's people to the font.

    If you know someone interested in being baptised at St. Peter, please contact Heather Collier in church office. 847-885-3350.