- St Peter Lutheran Church
- What We Believe
St. Peter has four ministry boards that take an active roll in the decisions and happenings of St. Peter Lutheran Church and School. Our Mission and Ministry Council and Board of Elders are key part in making sure the church being lead according to scripture and make heavy decisions of the direction of our church. We also have a School Ministry Team that assists school admistration in keeping up our high academic standards. Our Parent Teacher League supports ours school in planning fun and educational events plus fundraising extra funds for the school budget. All of these boards are elected into position and volunteer their time for the good of the St. Peter mission. Please click the individual board to find out more about each board and who is currently serving on these boards.
St. Peter's elected leadership is embodied by the Mission and Ministry Council. They seek to serve God and prayerfully seek to serve his will for St. Peter. They act as representatives on behalf of the congregation.
Mission & Ministry Council - Mission view
They meet regularly to fulfill our mission and make sometimes tough decisions on behalf of the congregation. Their part of St. Peter’s mission of "Loving people and serving the world" has been to help enable the growth in the church's ministries. They prayerfully hope to enable more missions to enable more servants in His Kingdom. Click Here for more M & M Council information!
The Elders are a group of men who are concerned with the spiritual health of the congregation and its members. The Elders work with the pastors to encourage the spiritual growth of members, serve as assistants to the pastors in matters of worship and preaching, administration of the sacraments, and visit those who are unable to attend church.
The mission of St. Peter Lutheran School Ministry Team is to guide and support the administration and staff of St. Peter Lutheran School to provide a Christ centered education with high academic standards that will develop the whole child to become a contributing Christian citizen in God’s world.
St. Peter Lutheran School’s Ministry Team is made up of a diverse group of parents that have children in various grades. We meet monthly to discuss issues relating to the school such as the budget and policy review. When the need arises we assist the principal with the interview process of prospective teachers. We also provide feedback on staff and school activities. Part of our responsibility is to bring up issues that we feel need to be addressed in the school and we are open to hear any issues that you may have noticed. However, specific issues regarding an individual student should be taken to the teacher first and after that to Principal Messina.The Ministry Team has a passion for this school and the children’s education. We want it to be the very best it can be. To that end, we are here for you. If you have an issue that you feel needs to be addressed, please feel free to contact us at admin@stpeterlcms.org.
The goal of the PTL, Parent Teacher League, is to provide St. Peter families with educational and fellowship opportunities. Our fundraising efforts support the PTL events and the St. Peter school budget.
VOLUNTEERS are the backbone of the PTL and your participation is vital to the continued success of the school. Volunteer opportunities are available for all PTL events. As parents, we commit to 10 hours of volunteer time and PTL events are a great way to fulfill these hours. We ask you to prayerfully consider volunteering for one or more of these activities. This year's fundraising goal is concentrated on new math curriculum and technology upgrades. Contact us at PTL@stpeterlcms.org